Pudding (Makhana Kheer) for Fasting/vibsk-40


Ingredients: Quantity:
1. Fox Nuts (Makhana) : 1 bowl
2. Milk : 1 ltr
3. Sugar : To taste
4. Almonds : 15-20 (cut in pieces)
5. Pistachio : 20 g (cut in pieces)
6. Cashew nuts : 15-20 (cut in pieces)
7. Clarified Ghee/Desi Ghee : 2 tsp


  1. Put clarified ghee in deep pot (heavy bottom) and heat a little on medium flame.
  2. Add fox nuts and roast. Do not roast too much.
  3. When fox nuts are roasted, add milk to the pot. Boil it on high flame till milk comes to boil and rises.
  4. Bring down the flame to minimum and cook till milk thickens. Stir time to time.
  5. While boiling, a thick layer sticks to the inner sides of the pot, scrape it from the sides of pot and mix it in the milk.
  6. Add cashew nuts and almonds and cook till milk thickens further.
  7. When milk is reduced, add sugar and stir. Cook for five minutes more. Put the flame to off.
  8. Fox Seeds Pudding (Makhana Kheer) for fasting is ready.
  9. Garnish with pistachio.

Serve hot or cold. Both ways it tastes Yumm!!

Watch video here:

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Hi friends, I am Vibha Singh. I will be sharing easy to cook Indian recipes on Vibskitchen. Come and cook with me. From Vibskitchen, every week will come out, known and not so known yummy recipes. Recipes, that I have learnt from my paternal/maternal grandmothers, my mom/mom-in-law & friends. These Indian recipes are authentic, healthy and easy to make. Welcome to VibsKitchen to share the pleasure of cooking and serving "Ghar Ka Khaana" (home cooked food) to loved ones. Happy Cooking!!!


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